I was just browsing the internet and found an interview article about Frank Durant who did the cool Who Did It Video. One link led to another and I found this Wiki thingy. So i figured I'd sign in because when it comes to the VCR Clue games I'm probably the ultimate authority. I'm their mother. My name is Isabel and if you have the videos you've seen it on the rolling credits listed right after the director Ed Buffman. Back in the 80s a populsr business writer (forgot his name) wrote " Nothing original gets created in a corporation unless there;s a maniac with a mission". So I was the maniac and VCR Clue was the mission and the way it got done was that it was such an outrageously cool and different project that everyone who got involved with it became intrigued and maniacal about making it happen. At first I was the only one who knew it was "impossible" but I whipped up a presentation that addressed all the issues that the corporate "suits" came up with and got a green light for making a sample mock up video. I wrote a script and auditioned Parker employees andMy boss Sam found a local mansion and got it all financed. It worked and was so fun to do. And the Senior VP of product development wrote some music for it that was right on perfect, That got us another green light to find a professional screenwriter. MORE LATER. If any fans have questions or comments - go for it It. Its been 47 years since this all went down but I remember it all -